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 Geri buys Mel a £7000 necklace to celebrate DNA result

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Geri buys Mel a £7000 necklace to celebrate DNA result Empty
PostSubject: Geri buys Mel a £7000 necklace to celebrate DNA result   Geri buys Mel a £7000 necklace to celebrate DNA result Icon_minitime4th July 2007, 12:24

Geri Halliwell has bought Mel B a £7,000 necklace to celebrate Eddie Murphy being named father of her daughter.

Geri was said to be ecstatic when DNA tests proved the Hollywood comic is three-month-old Angel Iris' father and wanted to give Mel a gift to celebrate.

A source said: "Being a mother herself, Geri really felt for Mel during her ordeal and designed a special diamond and white gold necklace as soon as she heard the good news."

Earlier this week, a paternity test revealed Eddie was Angel Iris' dad.

The 'Dreamgirls' star, who already has five children, had consistently denied he was the father.

Mel - who was dumped by Eddie while she was pregnant after a whirlwind romance - expressed her relief.

A source said: "Mel is now looking forward to moving on with her life with her new baby."

After splitting from Mel, Eddie said at the time: "I don't know whose child that is until it comes out and has a test."

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Geri buys Mel a £7000 necklace to celebrate DNA result
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