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 Paris: I want to be the new Princess Diana

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3 posters

Number of posts : 658
Age : 45
Registration date : 2007-05-03

Paris: I want to be the new Princess Diana Empty
PostSubject: Paris: I want to be the new Princess Diana   Paris: I want to be the new Princess Diana Icon_minitime3rd July 2007, 15:45

Paris: I want to be the new Princess Diana Site025mn5.th

This girl is really taking the Piss now Noone can ever take over Princess Diana Evil or Very Mad
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Number of posts : 15
Age : 48
Registration date : 2007-06-18

Paris: I want to be the new Princess Diana Empty
PostSubject: Re: Paris: I want to be the new Princess Diana   Paris: I want to be the new Princess Diana Icon_minitime3rd July 2007, 18:53

She must be out of her mind. Princess Diana, or a princess of any kind she will never be. I also do not buy the whole "changed my life" routine. Give her a few months back in Hollywood and she will be back to her old tricks.
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Number of posts : 1
Age : 26
Registration date : 2012-12-01

Paris: I want to be the new Princess Diana Empty
PostSubject: Rinoplasti   Paris: I want to be the new Princess Diana Icon_minitime1st December 2012, 10:52

As the post says you can make the whole page in HTML including a header and footer. That is the whole point of the guide… To make the custom page look completely different than the rest of the blogs theme.
While there is a way to add different header and footer images and or styles to a theme in the stylesheet, it is not something easily explained. But basically you would have to add the new/different css code in the themes stylesheet and then call for it in the custom page template instead of the original.
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Paris: I want to be the new Princess Diana Empty
PostSubject: Re: Paris: I want to be the new Princess Diana   Paris: I want to be the new Princess Diana Icon_minitime

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Paris: I want to be the new Princess Diana
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